LEED Buildings Top 10 States List Tracks Green Growth (PHOTOS)

Which States 'LEED' The Way?

Does your state "LEED" the way with green buildings?

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit, has released their 2011 list of the top 10 states that have implemented their LEED building certification program.

LEED, which stands for "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design," is a system that "provides building owners and operators with a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions," according to the USGBC.

Below, the USGBC ranks the top LEED states by the amount of LEED-certified square footage added in 2011, per capita.

While Colorado leads the 50 states with 2.74 square feet added per person in 2011, the District of Columbia outshines the rest of the country with 31.5 square feet per person.

The USGBC explained that the per capita rankings take into account an important human side to green buildings. Rick Fedrizzi, president, CEO and founding chair of the USGBC, said in a press release, "Looking past the bricks and mortar, people are at the heart of what buildings are all about. Examining the per capita value of LEED square footage in these states allows us to focus on what matters most -- the human element of green buildings."

According to The Washington Post, the USGBC claims D.C.'s lead in LEED certification is "due in part to the tremendous leadership from the federal government."

For a look at some LEED-certified buildings that may surprise you, click here.

List and statistics courtesy of the U.S. Green Building Council.


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