We are a little more than a month into the baseball season and we've already seen two extremely rare feats. Chicago White Sox pitcher Phil Humber threw the 21st perfect game MLB history back in April and Josh Hamilton became the 16th player ever to hit four homer runs in a game. What we haven't seen this year is an unassisted triple play.
In fact, we haven't seen one of those in big league game since 2009 with Eric Bruntlet of Philadelphia (at the time). They happen to be so rare that there have only been 15 unassisted triple plays in the history of Major League Baseball.
To pull off a triple play, a fielder needs a bit of luck, perhaps some help from opposing baserunners and to be in the right play at the right time. In one recent case, that place happened to the left side of the infield during what looks to be a litte league game.
In the clip above, a 6-year-old (according to the YouTube title) shortstop catches a fly ball with men -- boys, actually -- on second and third. With both baserunners on the move, the kid was able to touch third base and then tag the runner coming from second for the unassisted triple play.