'Big Brother' Racist And Homophobic Comments Captured On Live Feeds (VIDEO)

'Big Brother' Live Feeds Capture Racist & Homophobic Comments

The "Big Brother" live feeds are always streaming, and they've captured some racist and homophobic and comments from the show's contestants.

Aaryn and GinaMarie first made fun of Helen, an Asian-American contestant. "Dude, shut up, go make some rice," Aaryn says. Later, GinaMarie adds, "Andy was like, 'I'm gonna punch her in the face,' and I was like, 'Maybe that'll make her eyes straight.'"

The conversation then turned to Howard and Candice, two African-American contestants. "Blacks stick together ... They're like tokens ... They're like black Barbie and Kens," someone on the tape says, before another voice says that Candice's "blackness" was coming out.

They then worried aloud about Andy getting the MVP "because everybody loves the queers."

Zap2It reports that after the conversation, producers got on the "Big Brother" house loudspeaker to warn the contestants not to use racial slurs against other housemates.

Former "Big Brother" contestant Ragan Fox wrote an open letter to the "Big Brother" production team, urging them to actually air the racist comments on the show's CBS broadcast, to provide a full picture of how these contestants actually treat other people. "What’s the point of casting racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities if production’s going to edit out the racism, ethnic discrimination, and homophobia that these people encounter inside the house?" he asks.

"Big Brother 15" airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET, Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.

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