DOMA's Demise Anniversary Celebrated At Supreme Court By Love And Pride, HRC And Others (PHOTOS)

LOOK: Supreme Court Receives 1138 Roses To Celebrate One-Month Anniversary Of DOMA's Demise

One month ago yesterday, June 24, the United States Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, ruling it unconstitutional.

In recognition of this historic ruling, a special ceremony took place on the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States yesterday, titled "1138 Roses; One Special Anniversary."

Prior to the ceremony, Libby Emlow and Amanda Adams, who have been together for 21 years, married one another. The pair had committed to postponing their wedding date until their union would translate into full spousal benefits.

Following their wedding, Emlow and Adams gathered at the steps of the Supreme Court for the ceremony sponsored by Love & Pride, as well as the Human Rights Campaign, Matthew Shepard Foundation, and Marriage Equality USA.

A press release sent to The Huffington Post noted that the purpose of the event was to celebrate "the LGBT rights movement’s achievements to date, while acknowledging our struggles ahead." Those attending the event included supporters from Florida, Maine, and North Carolina, as well as New York.

At 11:38 a.m. attendees placed 1,138 roses at the steps of the Supreme Court, which represented "the 1138 federal rights that come with equality, which we now have in [13] states… and still don’t have in 37 states." In addition, sponsors presented an oversize, symbolic thank you card with over 2,000 signatures.

Following the ceremony, Brian Silva of Marriage Equality USA stated, “Today as we stand in front of this court in appreciation of this historic ruling, it is a reminder that when the wheels of justice work to fulfill our country's dream of dignity, respect and safety for all of its citizens, it is something all of us, regardless of affiliation, can be thankful for.”

See a slideshow of images from the ceremony below.


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