How Celibacy Gives This Christian Woman 'A Higher Reason For Living'

This Woman Says Celibacy Gives Her 'A Higher Reason For Living'

Lina Abujamra lives life alone and has never had a sexual encounter, but she insists there's no reason to feel bad for her.

"It's a lie in our culture that if you're not in a romantic relationship, you're less there -- [that] you haven't fulfilled your full potential as a human," the Pediatric ER doctor said in a HuffPost Live interview Thursday.

The devout Christian subsequently lives her life without "every connection" -- emotional, physical and sexual -- as a means of establishing her belief in "something greater."

"I believe in a higher reason for living," she said. "I believe I'm on this earth for a purpose. I believe that there's a thing for me to do here on this earth -- I'm not just here to get a job, have three kids and die. I think that's very glum in some ways."

You can hear more of Lina's story as part of HuffPost Live's conversation on living a fulfilling life alonehere.

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