Bedsider's 'Thanks, Birth Control' Puts All Our Gratitude For Contraceptives Into A Musical Number

'Thanks, Birth Control' Gives Contraception The Love Song It Deserves

For 99 percent of sexually active women, Thanksgiving came early this year. Hold the kids' table, add a parade of animated birth control methods.

Last year, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy declared Nov. 12 "Thanks, Birth Control" day. In honor of this second annual day of thanks,, the National Campaign's birth control support network for women ages 18-29, created a fitting serenade to express gratitude for those magical pills and devices that allow us to have sex without getting pregnant.

From the practical, ( "So, thank you birth control! You got me through college so I could land a kick-ass job") to the whimsical ("Yes, thank you birth control! Now I'm married to Dave and not to just some creep"), the tune covers the bases. No reason is too small for these dancing IUDs and shimmying condoms to celebrate.

As birth control access is threatened, it won't be for lack of appreciation. Ninety-nine percent of sexually active women in America have used birth control, and many use contraceptives for a variety reasons. All are worthy of a serenade.

You can't put a price on love, right? For now, millions of women get birth control without a copay thanks to the Affordable Care Act. But many more are either uninsured or at the whim of their employer's willingness to provide coverage for contraceptives.

Express your personal gratitude by tweeting with the #ThxBirthControl. Scroll through a few of Bedsider's "Thanks, Birth Control!" postcards below and check out for the full collection.






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