The Best and Worst Sex and Sexuality Stories of 2013

Here are the 10 best sex stories, the 10 worst sex stories, and 5 more hard-to-rank stories for good measure!
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"We need to allow ourselves the freedom to figure out what we internally want from sex instead of mimicking whatever popular culture holds up to us as sexy. That would be sexual liberation."
-- Ariel Levy

It's that exciting time of the year as we're each privileged to consider our desires and goals for the new year, in contrast with our evaluation of the past year, which is finally seen with some perspective.

This is very similar to therapy where inner dreams and purpose are bound to the lessons and examples of one's personal past. So when writing our year-end review of the best and worst news related to sex and sexuality, it's a natural step for my clinical team and I to try and provide a therapeutic perspective to these top cultural, political, and individual stories.

With that in mind, here are the supreme stories of 2013 and why they matter. We hope you find these picks thought-provoking and erotically entertaining. Here are the 10 best sex stories, the 10 worst sex stories, and 5 more hard-to-rank stories for good measure!





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