Happy Litter Free Inauguration!

The important thing to remember, when trekking the National Mall, running circles around the Washington Monument, doing a Rocky Balboa run up the steps of Lincoln, is to pick up after yourself.
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For once, finally, Washington, DC is the place to be. Not since Thievery Corporation came on the scene has this been possible. People are going to come from all over to get as tanked as a summer intern in celebration of this historic and much needed occasion. The important thing to remember, when trekking the National Mall, running circles around the Washington Monument, doing a Rocky Balboa run up the steps of Lincoln, is to pick up after yourself. This great PSA shows you an easy way to do your part to keep the National Mall clean. For all you lucky ducks who will be in DC next week, please heed this message. Trust me, after watching this, you'll want to.

Everyone, have a happy and safe inauguration Mardi Gras! Let the party keep going for eight more years!


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