Demand Media Has 150,000 Assignments Waiting for Its 7,000 Stringers

Demand Media Has 150,000 Assignments Waiting for Its 7,000 Stringers
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Demand Media, the fast growing creator of instructional content, has huge backlog of assignments: some 150,000 assignments waiting for a network of 7,000 freelance writers, editors, and videographers to undertake, according to Steven Kydd, exec VP of Demand Studios.

I interviewed Kydd last week at the AlwaysOn OnMedia conference here in Manhattan.

In a story in Monday's New York Times, David Carr says that Demand pays as little as t$30 for an original video clip. While this is a paltry sum, freelancers are paid twice-weekly and some qualify for health insurance, Kydd told me.

You can find this video up on Beet.TV


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