Bernie Sanders Sweeps Online Polls After Winning Second Democratic Debate

Bernie Sanders Sweeps Online Polls After Winning Second Democratic Debate
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Who won the second Democratic debate? Hundreds of thousands of people voted online, and an overwhelming majority declared Bernie Sanders the top-performer.

Of the 46,000+ people who voted in Time's poll, 81% thought Bernie Sanders won.


In Slate's poll, 80% declared Bernie Sanders the winner.


Even 87% of Fox's conservative viewers thought Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton.


According to the Washington Times, Bernie Sanders won in a landslide.


In's poll, Bernie took home the gold and 90% of the online vote.


In CBS Philly's poll, Bernie dominated with 93% of all votes.


*The results of these polls are not statistically representative of all eligible primary voters. They were documented on Sunday, November 15 at 2:00 a.m. EST.


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