The Hiring Guru: Microsoft Layoff Victims Read This

The news regarding Microsoft got me thinking about the new wave of candidates that will be surging from their doors. As I always say, there is always a job. So get prepared to interview and nail a new better job.
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The hottest technology industry news right now is not iPhone 6 or the Destiny game beta release; unfortunately. It's that Microsoft is eliminating 18,000 jobs. Pretty scary, for a company that could afford to re-allocate all of those people onto developing the next big thing; which would cause the need for expansion, not contraction. This is one the largest rounds of cuts in its history, as Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella integrates Nokia Oyj's handset unit and slims down the software maker?

It's been a while since I posted advice about interviewing and getting hired; and with the imminent release of my second book, Get Hired! Interviewing Secrets Revealed I thought I would make a quick return, looking back at the progress made so far.

The news regarding Microsoft got me thinking about the new wave of candidates that will be surging from their doors. As I always say, there is always a job. So get prepared to interview and nail a new better job. Up to now I have explored the following "Truths" for getting hired, and you can check them out in my earlier Huff-Post Blog posts:

1. Your decision comes first
2. A good resume gets you in the door
3. Like a boy scout, be prepared
4. Prep your references, duh
5. Dress for success
6. Tell a story; be remembered

Moving on, one thing that will always make you stand out is my 7th Truth: Interviewing the Interviewer Works.

The interview itself will reveal how much homework you did with regards to the position and your general understanding of the production area that is being hired for. This knowledge is what you should focus on and you can prompt the interviewer to ask you about.

Just casually remark to the interviewer that you want to clarify your understanding of what they're looking for and then roll out your extensive knowledge. Even if you are lacking in some details, it will demonstrate your initiative and give confidence about your understanding of what's needed or expected. This could be as simple as knowing what their latest completed products are. For example, interviewing at an advertising agency you'd want to already know what campaigns they've worked on recently and how you relate to at least one of them.

Once you've shown a savvy interest and intelligence level regarding their company, now ask for details about how they go about the process. "What Division acquires the accounts, who works with the client, interesting, the way I've seen it done before is... is it similar here?"

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Now you're getting the interviewer to picture you working along side their team. Don't overdo it, but a few questions of the interviewer can really get you a Gold-Star for your thoroughness.

Keep an eye out for my next post as I continue my 10 Truths for getting hired.

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