Connections: An Interview Series with Entrepreneurs

Connections: An Interview Series with Entrepreneurs
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Matthew Ganzak is a leading marketing strategist, specializing in leveraging technology to scale businesses. Matt teaches entrepreneurs how to create information products, sell books, and grow their online influence in his ScaleUP Academy courses. Through his marketing efforts, Matt has sold millions of dollars in products and services worldwide, has been featured on television and on popular blogs. Matt is the author of the Million Dollar Plan book, creator of a popular podcast on iTunes, frequent viral content creator and rising influencer in social media. His focus is to help entrepreneurs create successful businesses, and is dedicated to creating valuable workshops and training to help share the top strategies that are working right now.

What does IMPACT mean to you?

Creating products and providing services that improve people’s lives.

What gives you the drive/passion to do what you do? In other words, what is your WHY?

In 2006 / 2007, I was part of a network marketing company and my passion was to help people create an additional income source for themselves.

I assisted in signing up over 1,000 distributors in my organization and helped to sell over $1 million in products within 1 year of working inside the business.

In order to accomplish these figures, I was buying expensive leads, spending 10+ hours a day on the phone and I had 3 phone lines that I could time out my calls in order to make sales.

It was insane what I was doing, but that is what it took to create that level of success. No one in my organization was willing to handle the rejections and continue to buy leads and work them.

In 2007, I quit working that business and for 10 years I have been training people how to leverage technology to make sales, instead of relying solely on buying leads and making phone calls.

My passion is helping those people who desperately need a secondary source of revenue, and I encourage people to start small businesses that they can operate online to earn extra part time.

(I am not affiliated with network marketing anymore, it was where I got my feet wet 10 years ago like many other ambition 20’somethings)

HOW do you get your mission out into the world?

I use Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and others…

Being able to use Facebook ads correctly, I can reach 100k people with an affordable ad budget, show them a video and they can choose to take action with me or not.

From leveraging FB Ads and video (specifically on mobile devices) we are seeing low cost per impression and great results in sharing our offers with cold audiences.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

A radio DJ and rock star. And I achieved both, neither were fulfilling for me.

What does success mean to you?

Success equals good health, secured wealth and happiness.

What’s the first thing you do every morning to start your day on the right foot?

Spend time with my family and express my gratitude for them.

If you can bring anyone to lunch (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

Fictional: The Godfather

Bestow your wisdom on me!

Non-Fictional: Elon Musk

He has been a huge inspiration for my visions of the future and helping me to create realistic roadmaps to achieve those goals. And I wrote about him in my book to explain this in detail.

What is one thing you are doing right now that is taking your business to the next level?

Nothing is holding me back, we are busting through level after level with each new product launch.

What did you learn from your biggest failure?

I have never had a biggest failure, each failure is the same and provide excellent life lessons to improve to move forward.

What was your first concert?

Technically, Alabama - I was 2 years old and got to meet the band.

First I remember was Meat Loaf - Bat out of Hell 2 tour - I think I was 10.

What advice would you give to your 20 year old self?

Read the book you wrote for yourself. I literally wrote my book for my younger self.

What is your theme song?

Have a Cigar - Pink Floyd

What is your favorite quote?

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.

- Muhammad Ali

Andi Wickman is an entrepreneur, speaker, and Business Strategist who helps high achieving entrepreneurs create massive success with consistent inspired action. She owns and also runs a private facebook group for passionate go-getters who want to collaborate with other high level entrepreneurs.

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