Detox Soup is a great way to kick the new year off. This gluten-free recipe can be used during an official "cleanse" or to kick-start a conscious eating plan for 2015!
Ok, so if you’re going out on New Year’s Eve, do yourself a favor and make this soup one or two days before the festive first, and store in the fridge. Feel free to eat this detoxifying soup for every meal of the day for maximum power!
I’d even venture to say if you’re going about a New Year’s cleanse, you might make a large batch to have on hand for those moments you have to eat something. Just because cheating happens and this soup is a better option than going crazy with processed foods that would defeat the purpose!
This soup is great because it’s super low in calories, and the citrus and apple cider vinegar will help alkalize your body’s PH, bringing it back into balance after what is usually an acid forming holiday season.
From what I’ve read, a soup like this helps to cleanse toxins by flushing with fiber and clean broth, remove heavy metals (especially if you add a dollop of Cilantro or Food Fanatic’s Cilantro Chutney) and all the while nourishing your soul with warm, deliciousness.
You can substitute a gluten-free veggie broth to easily make this recipe vegan, so experiment and add what’s in the fridge so it doesn’t go to waste. It is one of my 2015 goals to enjoy a mostly raw food and juice cleanse during the month of January, so I’ll be making a variation of this soup every Sunday to have it on hand all week long, should I lose my mind with hunger.
I’ve never done a cleanse, and I’m a bit nervous. If you’ve had any experience I’d love your advice!
Get the Detox Soup Recipe on Food Fanatic now!