According to self-proclaimed concealed handgun permit holder Glenn Beck:
"I carry a gun. I mean, I know people that carry guns all the time. Concealed weapons permit holders are responsible, for the love of Pete. I don't know any of them that have ever been in a shootout."
Well, Glenn, meet two of your fellow concealed handgun permit holders--Matthew Culbertson and Roger Troy--in this new YouTube video from the Violence Policy Center.
Culbertson and Troy are just two of 11 new concealed carry killers identified by the Violence Policy Center in the March update to its Concealed Carry Killers web site. As fully detailed on the site, concealed handgun permit holders have killed at least nine law enforcement officers in addition to 142 private citizens (including 15 shooters who killed themselves after an attack) since May 2007. And there are plenty of "shootouts."
It's not that Glenn Beck doesn't know about the murders, mass shootings, and police killings committed by his fellow "responsible" concealed handgun permit holders. It's that he doesn't want to acknowledge the lethal crimes they're committing. So what else is new?