This Pitch-Perfect Song Shows Why It's Anything But 'A Scary Time' For Men

President Donald Trump, dismissing sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, said it's a "very scary time for young men."

One woman has a brilliant ― and catchy ― response to President Donald Trump’s recent claim that it’s a “very scary time for young men” because women can falsely accuse them of sexual assault.

Lynzy Lab, a dance teacher at Texas State University, created a political satire song aptly titled “A Scary Time” in which she debunks Trump’s assertion and shows why this is most definitely not a scary time for American men. Armed with a ukulele and a camera, Lab published her performance to YouTube on Saturday, and the song has since gone viral.

“I can’t live in an apartment if it’s on the first floor. I can’t be wearing silk pajamas when I answer the door. I can’t have another drink even if I want more. And I can’t make you feel invalid, unseen or ignored,” Lab sings happily into the camera.

“I can’t jog around the city with my headphones in my ears. I can’t speak out against my rapist after 35 years. I can’t be taken seriously if I’m holding back tears,” she continues. “And I can never speak earnestly about all of these fears because it sure is a scary time for dudes.”

The video, which Lab posted to Twitter on Monday, had received more than 65,000 retweets and 145,000 likes by Tuesday morning.

Lab told HuffPost she created the song after the Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court on Saturday,despite allegations of sexual assault or misconduct raised by three women.

“I did not expect such an overwhelming response,” she said.

“This is such a critical time for us all, but especially for women, where our voices need to be heard,” Lab continued. “We deserve to feel safe. We deserve to feel equal. This movement is so important, and I hope and believe with my whole heart that we are on the precipice of great and lasting change.”

Trump, who has been accused by more than 20 women of sexual misconduct, made his controversial comment last week in reference to the sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh.

“It’s a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of,” said Trump. He added that “women are doing great.”

Kavanaugh was sworn in as Supreme Court justice on Monday. Trump repeatedly defended him, while mocking and attacking sexual assault survivors.

Lab concludes her song on an actionable note, singing: “It’s not such a scary time for boys, they’ve always had the upper hand, they’ve always had a choice. It’s time for women to rise up, use our collective voice, the day to vote is November 6th. So let’s go make some noise.”

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